ABOUT MARI: Mari is a proud Hispanic and cradle Catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him. She holds a bachelor's degree in theology and a psychology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and a master's degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. Mari has worked in youth ministry for over 15 years, both as a youth minister and theology teacher. She is currently serving parishes and universities across the country with The Evangelical Catholic. Mari is well-known for her dynamic presentations at the Steubenville Youth Conference and other national outlets. She is a presenter for Ascension Press in YOU-Theology of the Body for Teens, CHOSEN, and Connected - Catholic Social Teaching for this Generation. Mari has a deep love for food, but an even greater love for Christ and is dedicated to helping others encounter Him. Learn more at www.MariPablo.com.