Weekly Bulletin
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Weekly Parish Email
Electronic Board in Gathering Space
Sacred Heart Church Website
We publish a full color bulletin each week that will help you keep in touch with what is going on at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Weekly submission deadline is 10 am on Monday before the weekend bulletin. Send submissions following the guidelines below to [email protected]
We strive to have the most current website possible as well as social media. Our goal is to keep everyone in the loop with all the most current information around our parish. Contact Ann to have your information added to any or all of these sources.
Information Submission Guidelines:
Send information via email to [email protected] before the 10 am Monday deadline.
Include a subject line on your email to identify your group name and date for publication.
Submit Word document as an attachment to the email.
Use one font in one size.
Do not use all capital letters or italics. (Headlines or titles can be written in bold, but please no CAPS.)
Use only black letters.
Leave only one space after the period at the end of a sentence.
If you have a graphic image or a logo, please attach it to your email as a jpeg file. (8.5 x 11 size recommended)
Do not use clip art.
Double check phone numbers, email addresses, website addresses, event times, so your information is accurate.
Proof read your information for correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
All information should be print-ready. Due to time constraints, we are not able to write information in paragraph form, check dates, phone numbers, etc. Information needs to be ready paste into the bulletin.
All information is for a parish wide audience. Please do not send internal organization information that is only for your group. (Meeting times, signups, etc.)
Please keep information to activities or events. We are phasing out personal columns.
Please be concise and only share current upcoming information. We have lots of wonderful ministries who also need to share their information!
Specify when you would like the information to run.
Specify where you would like the information to run (see list above).
If you would like your information to be translated into Spanish, it must be submitted by Thursday at 10 am.