"Train the young in the way they should go, even when old, they will not swerve from it." Proverbs 22:6
One of the cornerstones of our Family Formation program has always been the catechist who teach our children. While we are implementing an entirely new program, our need for the support of dedicated catechists is something that will not change.
The catechists in our program will lead one Family Formation session each month beginning in September. Additionally, Catechist Formation sessions are held once each month to prepare for the next Family Formation session. The first Catechist Formation session will be held in August. The final Family Formaton session will be held in May.
In addition, we will need at least one assistant for each catechist. Assistant catechists will also attend the Catechist Formation sessions.
Adults who works with young people in our diocese are asked to complete a background check and take an on-line course entitle "Protecting God's Children." The course is a child abuse awareness program and is required just once (a background check must be repeated every 7 years). Our staff will assist any interested participants in completing this requirement.
If you have questions or would like to help with our program, please call our office (515- 225-6414) or email us at ([email protected]).