Discipleship is...
A follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or any other wise person. Someone who accepts and helps in spreading the teachings of another.
Cool, but what is a discipleship group?!
A discipleship group is an opportunity for students to get together with friends of the same gender and age to learn more about their relationship with the Lord and grow in their faith.
How does it work?
Discipleship Groups are facilitated by trained mentors who are dedicated to accompanying students as they navigate their faith and prepare for life after high school.
Who leads the group?
Discipleship group leaders are trained adults from our Sacred Heart Parish Community. They have taken necessary background checks and training required of the Des Moines Diocese and Sacred Heart.
What is the time commitment?
Groups will meet 4 weeks in a row, ideally, to do the introductory study and then spend an evening to do an activity (adoration, service project, or social event). Once the 5 weeks are over, students are invited to continue the group and are challenged to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Who is in a group?
Whoever you want to be in your group- as long as everyone is the same gender, and generally the same age. Groups work best when they are based on friendship that is already established. We like to keep groups to about 5-6 people, plus the leader.
Where do the groups meet?
Families are invited to host their teen's small group in their home or another comfortable environment (Youth Room at Sacred Heart, coffee shop, etc.). Each group gets to decide what day and time works best for their schedules.
How do I start one?
Contact Sarah and she will help you get started!