“In our time, in a world often alien and even hostile to faith, believing families are of primary importance as centers of living, radiant faith.”
CCC 1655
Join our Family Formation Program
Preparation for First Eucharist is a pivotal time in the formation of faith for a young child. It is the first time they are able to come to the table and celebrate the presence of Christ through Eucharist. Through growth in understanding of Eucharist, we hope that young children begin to form a love of the Catholic Church as a source of comfort and strength for their entire life.
As parents, your role is crucial in the preparation of your child. In our diocese, we celebrate both First Eucharist and First Reconciliatoin during the 2nd grade year. While the children will receive preparation at Sacred Heart School, or on Wednesday evening during a Family Formation class, the parents will play the primary role in the preparation of the child.
Integral to this preparation is regular attendance at Mass.
Join our Family Formation Program
We must have a copy of each child's Baptismal Certificate. If baptized at a parish or church other than Sacred Heart, the certificate can be faxed at 515-225-0286, scanned and email to [email protected], mailed or personally provided to: Sacred Heart, 1627 Grand Ave. West Des Moines, IA 50265.
If a child is baptized at Sacred Heart, we will need either a copy of the certificate, or the exact date of baptism.
For students who attend the public schools in our area, students must attend the program provided by Sacred Heart Church (CFF), or another religion program at a Catholic Church for at least one year prior to the fall of enrollment to prepare for a sacrament. If the student has not previously attended, the student will be placed in a two-year program for instruction.
Congratulations on taking the steps to make faith an important part of your family life. We look forward to celebrating a wonderful year with your child and your family.
If you are seeking Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Catholic Church as an adult, CLICK HERE to learn more.