Faith Formation 2024-2025
Our Faith Formation program is offered to all Sacred Heart Families. We are excited to introduce a new education series developed by Loyola press. This multi-media, easy to use curriculum provides a robust learning platform for children and parents. We will also incorporate a defined focus on the Eucharist. Our goal is to partner with and empower parents to teach their children about our Catholic faith.
The themes for the 2024-2025 year is Finding God and God’s Gifts (Sacramental Prep classes)
During each monthly session Children, Parents and Catechists will begin the evening together in the Sacred Heart gym. After prayer, Children will go with their Catechist Leader to be led through a lesson and parents will be have an opportunity to ask questions about the Curriculum, Share ideas and partake in opportunities to grow in Faith.
Thank you to all families who have registered; we are excited to share this new program with you! We are confident we will grow in the Love of God and expand our understanding of all the ways His Love shines in us and throughout His world.
**Our registration is currently closed; we will open registration for the 2025/2026 Family Formation program in the Spring. We would love to welcome everyone back and have new families join us. We are always looking for Catechist’s and Assistants for the classrooms! Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.