Upcoming Casserole Drop Off Weekends:
February 1st and 2nd
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Matthew 25:35
We will be collecting casseroles for the Family Violence Center the first full weekend of each month. The goal is to provide 35 casseroles every month. We can do that! CLICK HERE for instructions.
Spread the word and forward this link to friends! This is a great project for group service hours! As a student looking to get Service Hour credits be sure to text or email Judy as noted below the weekend you drop off the casserole(s), along with the count, so credit can be approved through the various school processes.
For questions, contact Judy Schwartz at 515-556-7788
or email at [email protected]
1. Make any casserole you want in an 8X8 aluminum container.
2. Bake it.
3. Cool it.
4. Wrap it in aluminum foil.
5. Put the casserole in a Ziplock bag.
6. Include a slip of visible paper that says: “To the Family Violence Center”.
7. Need to include the recipe in the bag. Please sign it: “Your friends at Sacred Heart Catholic Church”.
8. Freeze it.
9. Drop the frozen casserole off in the parish center freezer before the Sunday 11:30 am Mass the first full weekend of the month.
Note: We ask, PLEASE do not drop off casseroles throughout the month, as the freezer is used for other church events.