After all masses that occur on the 5th Sunday of the month a special collection is taken on behalf of the St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Conference. By contributing you can help us continue our mission to hear the cry of the poor and help ease their fears.
Your contribution goes directly to the Sacred Heart Conference and is our main source of income. Without your generous support we cannot continue our mission of creating a network of Vincentians, within Sacred Heart Parish, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
When making your contribution consider sponsoring one of our monthly events: Bingo at Fountain West ($40.00), Connection Café ($150.00) or Personal Products for distribution through SVDP offices/store ($100.00). Make checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Conference.
Thank you in advance for your support, generosity and hearing the cry of the poor.