Saint Gemma’s Gift is a service that aims to respect the dignity of those who are without basic life necessities. Our mission is to be active apostles in our community pouring out Christ’s love to those in need, as St. Gemma did in her own life.
Each Saint Gemma’s Gift will include a prayer card about her with a medal, Sacred Heart information and Mass times, some food, and a card from St. Vincent de Paul with available resources.
Contact Rose Giorgio-Nelson if you would like to be part of this ministry.
[email protected]
After you have given Saint Gemma’s Gift, you may pick up another one in the parish office for the next individual in need that you encounter. Please send a note about your experience to [email protected], so that we may adapt the program and pray more specifically for these individuals.Thank you and God bless you!
“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’”
We're getting ready for another distribution of Saint Gemma's Gift as the temperature drops. Click the Amazon List below for our current needs. Spread the word, share the link, help us make 400-500 gifts!
Contact rosec.giorgio@gmail.
Each gallon size zip lock bag should contain:
5 individually packaged food items: beef jerky, nuts/seeds, trail mix, dried fruit, granola bars, etc.
Assistance Resource Card which includes Mass times at Sacred Heart (printable on this page)
St. Gemma Medal (link on this page)
St. Gemma Prayer Card (printable on this page)
Children may color a picture, write a note or a prayer to be included in the bag!
If you prepare extra St. Gemma Gift bags we are always happy to use them to replenish our supply kept at the office. This is a great service project for children!
“Every time I went out I used to ask father for money, and if, as sometimes happened, he refused I would take bread and flour and other things. And God arranged that I should often meet poor people, every time I left the house.” St. Gemma Galgani
St. Gemma Galgani showed Christ’s love to the poor and believed her own journey into poverty to be a gift from God. St. Gemma’s Gift is a new collaborative project at Sacred Heart to aide those in need in our own community. St. Gemma’s Gift is a bag with food, information on available resources through St. Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart contact & Mass times, a St. Gemma prayer card, and St. Gemma medal. Help to continue St. Gemma’s compassionate works for the poor by keeping a bag in your car to offer to the next individual in need of basic necessities that God places in your own path. This may be while stopped at a stoplight, walking a bike trail, or running an errand. Often, these individuals may be passing through or unaware of where they may get a meal, rent money, clothes, and so on. If able, learn more about them, offer your prayers, and invite them to Mass. St. Gemma’s Gift bags will be available in the Parish. After you have offered one to an individual, you may pick up another for the next individual that crosses your path.
Saint Gemma Galgani (1878-1903)
Patron Saint of the poor and unemployed
Feast Day: April 11
Saint Gemma lost her mother as a child and minutes after her father passed away, creditors took what remained to the family, down to the few coins in her pocket. In her suffering she turned to God, accepting Him as her earthly and Heavenly Father. In need of charity herself, she often gave what she was given to her family and others in need, embracing poverty as a gift from God. Saint Gemma waited patiently, trusting that God would provide. So faithful was Saint Gemma that she was miraculously cured from meningitis and graced with the Stigmata (wounds of Christ) thereafter. Saint Gemma suffered with Christ for the conversion of souls and offered herself as a sacrifice for sinners. Illness came to her again and on Holy Saturday, at the age of 25, she passed away. Saint Gemma lived a selfless life, full of love for Jesus and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Prayer to Saint Gemma
Oh St. Gemma, how compassionate was your love for those in distress, and how great your desire to help them. Help me, also in my present necessity and obtain for me the favor I humbly implore, if it be profitable for my soul. The numerous miracles and the wonderful favors attributed to your intercession instill in me the confidence that you can help me. Pray to Jesus, your Spouse, for me. Show Him the stigmata which His love has given you. Remind Him of the blood which flowed from these same wounds, the excruciating pain which you have suffered and the tears which you have shed for the salvation of souls. Place all this as your precious treasure in a chalice of love and Jesus will hear you. Amen