Thank you, Lord. Thank you for blessing us with a community of believers that worships and prays together.
Help us, Lord. Help us lead lives we can take pride in despite all of today’s pressures.
Remind us, Lord. Remind us that when we are lost and lonely, you are always near.
Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for we are far from perfect and grant us hearts that are open to forgiving others.
Give us strength, Lord. Give us strength to hear your voice and follow your plan today and always.
Our high school ministry is called "SMASH"
SMASH stands for Student Ministry At Sacred Heart
Please note that SMASH and preparation for Confirmation are completely different programs.
Our Vision Statement:
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry strives for all students to encounter Jesus and to cultivate a relationship with Him.
Our Mission Statement:
To share the Good News of God's Love through:
Faith- Students are equipped to lead authentic Catholic lives
Community- Students feel like they belong and are known
Service- Students are empowered to love and serve
What do we offer for high school students?? Take a look below at some of the many opportunities students have to grow in their faith, meet new people, and serve:
Discipleship Groups: All teens in grades 7-12 are invited to participate in the small group program. Get a couple friends together and Julie will pair you with a group leader, and you will get to learn more about your faith, talk about challenges in life, and form a relationship with the Lord. More information under "Faith" on the left (above on mobile).
Service: Opportunities to serve others are offered throughout the year such as meal packaging with Meals from the Heartland. Extended service trips are offered during spring break (FIA) and in the summer. See "Service" on the left (above for mobile) for more information on what's available.
Community: Students participate in many opportunities to build community which are available through the year with events such as ice skating and lazer tag.
Teen Choir: This energetic group leads upbeat music for Mass about once a month. Rehearsals are one or two Sunday’s a month from 6:30-7:30 pm. New singers welcome any time throughout the year. Contact Anna Lee to sign up at [email protected] or 515-210-6762.
So that we have emergency contact information, we ask everyone that comes SMASH to register. You can register anytime, everyone is welcome, and it's FREE!