As Christians we are called to respect life from conception to natural death. At Sacred Heart we not only respect life, we celebrate it!
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus and Women’s Guild are cooperating to provide prayer cards and booklets to help parishioners understand and value the gift of human life from conception to natural death. This part of the Church’s consistent life ethic for the unborn, the poor, victims of violence and the elderly and sick. The items will be distributed October 12th and 13th, plus they will be available for the rest of October.
Are you familiar with the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching?
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community and Participation
Rights and Responsibilities
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Care for God’s Creation
The USCCB offers a brief overview of each of the themes, which you can find at