Stephen Ministry is appropriate for people experiencing:
physical rehabilitation
long-term care
chronic illness
terminal illness
job loss
loss of a home
military deployment
the onset of a disability
spiritual crisis
or other life struggles
Stephen Ministry seeks to be a living presence of the caring Christ to our parish community. Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one listening ministry provided by trained caregivers who seek to bring Christ's healing love to all who are experiencing life's challenges.
Sacred Heart has been preparing since January 2017 to start up Stephen Ministry for our parishioners. We have Stephen Leaders who have trained fellow parishioners to serve as Stephen Ministers. They have spent many months preparing for their ministry of service for those in need and our ready to go to work. We need your help in identifying a friend, neighbor, coworker, relative, or parish member who may be going through a difficult time and would benefit from a Stephen Minister.
1. Express your care and concern in a way that feels natural to you. Then listen if the person wants to share.
2. Tell the person about Stephen Ministry, saying something like: Our church has trained caregivers called Stephen Ministers who come alongside people during difficult times. A Stephen Minister meets regularly with a person to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. Its high-quality care—and completely confidential. [Possibly give the person printed information about Stephen Ministry found in church pews.]
3. Get permission to pass along the person's name and phone number: I'd like to connect you with our parish pastoral care minister. He can tell you more, answer your questions, and help decide whether Stephen Ministry is right for you. I think it would be really good for you to talk to him. Can I have him give you a call? Our Stephen Ministers are well-trained caregivers who can really help.
4. If the person agrees, get his or her phone number and pass the information along to the Stephen Ministry contact person (Deacon Ed) without delay.
Contacts for Stephen Ministry:
Deacon Ed Garza, Pastoral Care Minister
at 225-6414 or 249-7946 or [email protected]
Tamara Garza at 681-5103 or [email protected]
John Mathis at 515-557-0506 or [email protected]
Mary Mathis at 515-557-0503 or [email protected]