April 2024
Last December, fifteen-year-old parishioner Lucy Lieb downloaded the Hallow app hoping to find something interesting for Advent. She came across the “Bible in a Year” podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz and thought it would be a good way to prepare for Confirmation. She decided to make the daily podcast her New Years resolution, and when her dad, Tony, started looking for his own New Years resolution, she suggested he try it.
“I was a little hesitant,” says Tony, who wanted to make sure he was fully committed before putting time aside. Eventually he decided to join Lucy. “How much of a blessing it is that she’s asking me to be on board with it, right? It would be insane not to take her up on that.”
Four months in, father and daughter have chosen different approaches to listening. Tony tunes in while running or working around the house, and Lucy prefers to listen while getting ready in the morning. Both appreciate Fr. Mike’s explanations of Scripture. “He definitely is good at relating it to today and how the church does things now,” says Lucy.
They both see the Old Testament as a worthwhile challenge. Lucy says it has helped her understand the Jewish people’s reaction to Jesus and the role of Jesus as sacrificial lamb. She’s understanding the Mass better and has been surprised at the importance of words and their meaning. “God wasn’t just saying stuff to say stuff. There was a plan.”
Tony finds the Old Testament surprisingly relevant today. “The behaviors haven’t really changed.” He sees familiar patterns, important lessons, and a basis for modern law. In terms of his own faith, the podcast has helped him make connections between the spiritual and the dogmatic. “Wherever you’re at on that spectrum, the thing about the Bible is it’s going to broaden your connecting points.”
Although they don’t schedule specific discussion times, Tony and Lucy are finding plenty to talk about. Both were amazed that Moses didn’t get to go into the Promised Land, and they had an interesting debate about Job—was his suffering a prototype for Jesus, or was he just an everyday guy with lots of problems?
Lucy decided recently to tackle at least two episodes per day. “My goal was supposed to be the end of the year, but now I’m trying to do it before Confirmation in September, so then I can have the whole Bible read before I get confirmed.” Tony’s plans are more flexible. “I think it’s more important that I’m getting something out of it than finishing at the same time.”
Either way, “Bible in a Year” is guiding both Tony and Lucy deeper into their faith. As a parent, Tony is especially glad he and his daughter can share this opportunity to “be sort of small” within the context of history. “There’s a bond that’s created any time you experience something bigger than yourself with your children. This fits into that camp.