1. Personal Encounter with Jesus
Sacred Heart invites people to have a personal encounter with the intimacy of Jesus through the Eucharist.
Vision Statement #1 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: It is my hope that everything we do here at Sacred Heart leads each one of us to a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus says, "Remain in me, as I remain in you." (John 15:4) Jesus desires a personal encounter with each one of us that leads to him remaining in us in a deep and intimate way. This happens first and foremost in our personal prayer, in our reflection on the living Word of God and in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
2. The Mass is Central
The Mass stands at the heart of our parish family and inspires everything we do.
Vision Statement #2 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: The Church teaches us that the Mass is the source and summit of our Christian life. We, as Catholics, are a Eucharistic people! For this reason it is my hope that the Mass, especially Sunday Mass, defines who we are and what we do as Catholics. Sunday Mass sets the priority, rhythm and pattern of our life as a parish community and thus for the life of each households here at Sacred Heart Church. I hope to see us grow so much as a Eucharistic people that all of our masses are full to overflowing! Why? Because the Mass is central to all we do.
3. Visible Active Apostles
We are Active Apostles who visibly go into our community on a mission to share the Good News of God’s love.
Vision Statement #3 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: An apostle is one who is sent on mission. When we have a personal encounter (relationship) with Jesus, especially in the Eucharist, we are called to share that Good News of God’s love for us in service to others. I believe the Gospel, the Good News of God’s love each of us in Jesus Christ, is not meant to be kept as a personal possession but is meant to be given away and shared with others. The love of God grows in us in the measure that we give it away. It is my vison that we become who we are called to be here at Sacred Heart, Active Apostles on fire for Jesus Christ.
4. Equips Families as First Educators in the Faith
Sacred Heart Catholic equips families to be the first educators of the faith.
Vision Statement #4 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: In the new rite of baptism the priest or deacon tells the parents that, “we offer you are support in raising your child in the practice of the faith.” For this reason, I want everything we do here at Sacred Heart, especially when it comes to formation in the faith to support and equip each of our parents and families with the tools they need share the faith with others. Our School, Family Formation program, small groups, Edge for our junior high and SMASH for high school students are just a few of the many ways that we hopefully support and equip our parents and families to be who you are called to be, the first teachers in the ways of faith.
5. Everyone Belongs
Everyone who walks through our doors feels like they belong here, by being welcomed, valued, and loved.
Vision Statement #5 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: We all have unique story and life journey. Whatever that life experience or story is it is my hope that everyone can find that they belong here at Sacred Heart. A sense of belonging begins with being welcomed, valued and loved for who you are just as Jesus did with everyone he met. Every person Jesus meets in the gospel he meets right where they are and invites them on a journey of faith and conversion of heart with him. It is my desire that everyone that comes to our community feels that they belong here in our parish community because they have been welcomed, valued for who they are and that they are loved unconditionally here at Sacred Heart.
6. Professionally Managed
Sacred Heart Catholic stands out for the professional way in which it is managed
Vision Statement #6 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: Each parish is a microcosm of the whole Church. We as members of the Sacred Heart Parish are members of the Church and we are called to be stewards of God’s good creation. All is gift and we are simply stewards of those gifts given to us. For this reason we must handle, manage, and steward these gifts with great respect and reverence. We want to be and we must be the best in professionally managing the generous gifts entrusted to us by God and each of our parish households.
7. Everyone is Known
Everyone is more than just a name, and they are truly known because they belong to a small group or ministry.
Vision Statement #7 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: What is in a name? Everything! We all like to be known and called by our name. To be truly known by others for who we are means investing yourself in the community. The best way to be known is to get involved in the community. To be known in a large parish community like Sacred Heart is to connect with others at a smaller level. Your active participation in a small group or one of the many ministries of Sacred Heart is the way to be known and to get to know others.
8.Diversity is Celebrated
We value and celebrate our diversity (language, culture, age, spiritual journey) through liturgy, education, and fellowship.
Vision Statement #8 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: Sacred Heart is a big and diverse parish! We are one with two main languages spoken (English and Spanish). We have recent immigrants from a diversity of countries and cultures from round the world. We are young and we are old. We are all in a different place on our spiritual journey. We have diversity of life and family experiences that make up the beautiful quilt or tapestry that is our community of faith. I hope we grow in our celebration of our diversity through prayer, liturgy, education and fellowship. Let us celebrate our diversity with all it's richness and depth.
9. Sacred Heart of Jesus
We cultivate a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Vision Statement #9 Parishioner Video
From Fr. Chris: St. Ignatius of Loyola prays this line in his Anima Christi prayer (a prayer many people pray after receiving the Eucharist at mass), “hide me in your wounds.” This prayer is echoed in the Church’s devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is my prayerful hope that we can cultivate, revive and renew our devotion to the Sacred Heart in our parish community. The twelve promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus given to us by the Lord through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque are a way for us to know how deeply we are loved by our God in the pierced and wounded heart of Jesus. I hope we can grow in this devotion so much that we can pray together with one heart, “Merciful Jesus, I consecrate myself today and always to your most Sacred Heart… Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like your heart. Amen!”
God’s Love through Active Apostleship