President: Robin Fulton
Secretary: Lore Solo
Treasurer: Barb Baker
Membership: Diane Freeman/Janet Branscum
Communications: Renee Raap
Programs: Robin Fulton
Bake Sale: Lisa Sheppman and Laurie Ready
At-Large Board Members: Laurie Ready, Joanne Nealon and Lisa Scheppmann
The January Women’s Guild meeting will be Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30pm in the Sacred Heart Parish Center.
The Sacred Heart Parish Women's Guild is a community of 130+ women who contribute to our parish and our surrounding community. The purpose is to provide an opportunity to become better acquainted with women of our parish and to support the parish through various activities and fundraising.
We would love to have you join Women's Guild! As a member you can participate in any or all of these activities: attend meetings and events, help plan and facilitate the service projects, and staff social events and fundraisers.
The Annual Membership Fee is $20. Members over the age of 80 pay no fee! To be a member, you must be 18 years of age.
If you wish to join, please CLICK HERE and complete the membership form.
"God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us."
Romans 5:5
Sacred Heart Women’s Guild 2023-2024 Highlights
Baked and donated dozens of desserts for Connection Cafe in partnership with St. Vincent dePaul monthly.
Hosted speakers for meetings from Adult Education, St. Vincent dePaul, Soul Core and Persons with Disabilities Ministries.
Prepared snacks and drinks for Sacred Heart School staff during a workday in August.
Distributed copies of Pro Life booklets and Holy Moments.
Participated in the Parish Ministry Fair.
Helped with Love in the Heart of Christ luncheon.
Purchased personal care items and led a peanut butter donation drive for St. Vincent dePaul.
Coordinated and distributed winter wearables to families at Sacred Heart School, parish ministries and WDM Human Services.
Sponsored a cookie decorating class for members.
Wrote and sent Christmas cards for homebound and nursing home residents.
Prepared and baked Bake Sale items and broke the record for donations for our grant recipients!
Co-hosted Advent dinner and St. Patrick’s Day dinners with the Knights of Columbus.
Sponsored and distributed gifts and gift cards for members of Hispanic Ministry, Mary’s Helping Hands, nursing homes, Prayer Shawl Ministry and others in the community.
Wrote and sent Valentine’s Day cards for Night to Shine attendees.
Provided treats for the Confirmation class retreat.
Tied fleece blankets, helped the Knights with the pasta supper and made a donation to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.
Prayed for a pair of teacher/student groups in Sacred Heart School’s Faith Families program.
Volunteered with the annual Fish Fry and coordinated the baked goods.
Cooked and donated dozens of hard boiled eggs to the Salvation Army.
Made Blessing Bags for Sacred Heart Parish and School staff members.
Ran, collected and organized school supplies for the Hispanic Ministries and other students in the Sacred Heart community.
A sampling of the Guild's service projects include:
Youth Emergency Servics & Shelter: Personal care items
St. Vincent de Paul: Baked goods for ESL and other classes
Mercy Neo-Natal Unit: Homemade fleece blankets for preemies
West Des Moines Human Services: Fall school supplies and winter hat/scarf/glove collection
Meals from the Heartland: Food packaging to alleviate world hunger
Mary's Meals: Donations for global food progam for children at their schools
Right in our own parish, examples include:
Jesse Tree: Notes and gifts for parishioners in nursing homes
Parish Homebound: Valentine's Day cards and candy
Coffee & Donuts: Provided after scheduled Masses to encourage fellowship
Parish Events: Provide volunteers, food and other assistance